Ox Lib References
๐ฎ Overextended Library
A standalone library for providing easily reusable code as importable modules and exports.
Overextended Library Installation
- To enable the ox_lib library inside of your resource just add @ox_lib/init.lua as a shared_script in your fxmanifest.lua file like below.
Building a Overextended Ui
- Please visit Ox_Libs Docs to understand the ways to do this here https://overextended.dev/ox_lib#building-the-ui
Menu Registration
- To define a menu in RSG, use the lib.registerContext function. This function sets up the menuโs structure, including its title, options, and associated actions.
Showing the Menu
- Once registered, the menu can be displayed using the lib.showContext function.
- Text elements such as title and description can use localization functions for multi-language support. Example:
- Custom notifications with a lot of styling options.
Always try to use language locales! e.g. (MUST HAVE lib.locale() at top of file!!!)